Products / Daytot Neo+

Daytot Neo+

Neo+ is a multipurpose positioning support for infants (0 -18 Months) who have delay in their development and require supportive positioning to strengthen their core, improve their patterns of movement or assist access to their environment.


Neo+ is a multipurpose positioning support for infants who have delay in their development and require supportive positioning to strengthen their core, improve their patterns of movement or assist access to their environment.


Key Features

  • Suitable for use from birth (term) to 18 months
  • Promotes central core strength, symmetry, and consistency.
  • Facilitates a choice of key therapeutic positions (prone, supine, side lying).
  • One size, with unique moulding ability to maintain its form until reshaped by the caregiver.
Neo+ bundle (one size – incl. 2x cover sets, base cushion, pump and tote bag).
Neo+ bundle (one size – incl. 2x cover sets, base cushion, pump and tote bag):
Max Weight:  15kg/33lbs
Age Range (Approx.): 0-18 months

Two Fabric Options:
Soft Fabric Covers
Wipe Clean Vinyl Covers

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